Hunting for MageCart

We’ve heard a lot in the news about MageCart over the last year. If you’re unfamiliar, MageCart is a collection of cybercriminal groups known for stealing credit card data. Two of the best-known breaches, British Airways and Ticket Master, collectively impacted ~420,000 customer and the ICO has since warned of intentions to fine British Airways a mega £189.39m.

MageCart has certainly not slowed down after their notorious attacks and have continued by exploiting a further 80 major eCommerce sites. These attacks exploit the Magento eCommerce platform and are certainly defendable.

Over the last year Askari Blue has been presenting a Threat Intelligence workshop across the UK. During the event participants would be walked through several exercises, in particular one where they track down and identify MageCart attacks. An eBook ‘Hunting for MageCart’ has since been written with full steps for anyone to identify MageCart infected websites; even those with little IT knowledge.

To get your FREE eBook: Hunting for MageCart, simply sign-up to our mailing list for regular security news and updates, HERE.