Cyber Security Health Check
SME businesses have little to no time to defend against cyber threats, despite daily news articles referencing the next big hack. Many SME simply prioritise over cyber security and are under the illusion they’re not an attractive target. But approximately 66% of UK businesses with 10-49 employees fall victim to Cybercrime. The average cost to a small business impacted by cybercrime is £65,000.
That impact is varied and may range from stolen files or funds, to loss of productivity or reputation. Cybercrime has a profound impact on businesses as well as individual staff members. UK cases have resulted in individuals losing their job or entire businesses collapsing as a result of falling victim to cyber crime.
With the Cyber Security Health Check, you can take the right step in safeguarding your business from cyber threats and gain the benefits below and more:
- Pre-engagement correspondence.
- Onsite engagement.
- Website vulnerability scan.
- Staff questionnaire.
- Personalised Health Check report.
- Appropriate confidence in your cyber defences.
- 2nd opinion to current cyber defences.
- Empowered awareness to make the necessary decisions to defend your business.
- A step towards accreditation.
- Accreditation draws business appeal and customer confidence.
- Identify existing security gaps.
- Knowledge to initiate appropriate controls, such as:
- firewall rules
- staff training
- anti-malware
- Insight into the current threat awareness of your staff
We have designed the Cyber Security Health Check for the small and medium sized organisation. We offer two seperate packages; small for businesses with 1-49 employees, and medium for businesses with 50-150 employees. These products are available direct from our shop or by contacting us directly.
We offer many additional services for the SME market and have created pre-packed products available from our shop.
For larger organisations we have an extensive history supporting multi-national organisations. Contact us directly, so we can identify the best service for your needs.