Police stop mass ATM ATTACK!

Police stop mass ATM ATTACK! Askari Blue Supports Local Police Cyber Forum The Office of the Northamptonshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (NorthantsPFCC) held it’s September Cyber Forum to support local businesses and organisations. Askari Blue was invited to present on ‘An Introduction to Threat Intelligence’, a difficult task in just 15 minutes. Earlier in … Read more

Malware stops you getting infected (…Again)

Malware stops you getting infected (…Again) A new TTP is observed in Smominru malware. Smominru malware was first observed in 2017 primarily used as a cryptomining botnet. Its large payloads allow for many features, including credential theft and wormable capabilities, spreading across Windows 7 and Server 2008. It has been documented to have many propagation … Read more

Hunting for MageCart

Hunting for MageCart We’ve heard a lot in the news about MageCart over the last year. If you’re unfamiliar, MageCart is a collection of cybercriminal groups known for stealing credit card data. Two of the best-known breaches, British Airways and Ticket Master, collectively impacted ~420,000 customer and the ICO has since warned of intentions to … Read more